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IGE 커뮤니티는 캐나다에서 다양한 사람들과의 교류를 통해 세상에 대한 깊은 이해와 배려를 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공하고자 합니다.
이 공간에서 학습 자료를 공유하고, 질문을 할 수 있으며, 네트워킹을 통해 학업을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

광역밴쿠버중 델타 교육청 소식 > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


광역밴쿠버중 델타 교육청 소식

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 197,602회 작성일 22-12-06 14:45


광역밴쿠버중에 델타는 한국분들 한테는 잘 알려지지 않았지만

최근에 많은 개발을 통해서 한국 엄마들이 살기 좋은 동네로 바뀌고 있습니다.


단점은 한인 커뮤니티가 아예 없다 보니 한인 마트 한국 사교육 학원들이 아예 없습니다.


장점은 외국인 비율이 낮고 범죄율이 밴쿠버중에서도 최하위권 입니다.


또한 초등학생은 수시로 입학이 가능 합니다.

단 최소 한학기 이상 등록을 해야 합니다.


많은 장점이 있는 델타 지역 입니다.


그렇다고 렌트비가 저렴 한 동네는 아닙니다. 사우스 델타 지역은 광역밴쿠버 중에서도 부촌에 속하는 지역 입니다.



Hello all -


I hope this finds you well as we move quickly towards the end of 2022. Thank you again for your continued support!


The purpose of this email is to share some key updates regarding Delta.


1) Capacity Update for 2023


Currently, Seaquam Secondary School is FULL for September 2023 intake. We do have room in the remainder of our Secondary Schools as well as all of our Elementary Schools. Please note that I will likely be at capacity for German students at South Delta Secondary and Delta Secondary in the near future. As always, please reach out to me and I can help suggest a school and area of Delta that meets the needs and expectations of your students.


2) COVID Vaccination Requirements for September 2023 - students in Delta District Homestay


Prior the COVID pandemic, here in Delta we did not mandate any vaccinations as we believe it is our job to support the directives of our National and Local Health Authorities. It is their job to make mandates around health, and not ours. That being said, we do understand that we have many host families that will only consider hosting a vaccinated student.


We will be able to accept a limited number of non-COVID vaccinated students for the 2023-2024 school year provided they declare they are not vaccinated and accept the following conditions.

  • should entry requirements change and students have to cancel as they are not vaccinated, the refund policy as in the application form will stand (i.e. no special refunds)

  • should students be in Canada and requirements for vaccination to board planes or attend school change, students will either need to get vaccinated or withdraw and return home. The refund policy in the application will stand (i.e. no special refunds).

We do not think it is likely at this point that either condition above will come into effect but we just want to be clear from the outset.


The spots are limited due to the fact that we have limited homestays that are willing to accept unvaccinated students. Delta has a very high vaccination compliance rate. Please ensure that a non-COVID vaccinated student is clearly identified in the application.


Here in Canada, two vaccinations are needed to be considered fully vaccinated. Recovered from COVID does not count.


3) Linear vs Semester Schools


All of Delta’s elementary schools are linear and we can accept students starts at the beginning of every month.


Before COVID, Delview and North Delta were semestered schools. We anticipate that they will remain semestered schools in the 2023-2024 school year and moving forward.


The other 5 schools are currently undergoing a review process to determine if they will stay semester or revert back to linear. Unfortunately, we don’t anticipate this process will be complete until early February. Parents and students will need to continue to be flexible and understanding regarding the timetable.


4) Academies Update


Our academy programs have suffered in the past few years from exponential increases in their cost as well as shifting educaitonal philosophy in British Columbia towards issues of equity.


As a result, many of the academies are so expensive now that it is impossible to draw enough students to join them.


For the 2023-2024 school year the only academies being offered are Film Acting, Film Production and Film Visual Effects.


Please note that although there is no longer Dance Academy, Dance Company as a class is offered at Delview, North Delta and Delta Secondary.


5) Arrival and Departure Calendar for 2023-2024


We expect to have our Arrival and Departure dates set in the next week or so. Watch for more information.


2024-2025 Fees will be published early in the New Year.


6) Summer ELL Programs


The information we sent out regarding our summer programs has produced some excellent feedback! One common question is ’when do you start accepting applications’? We are open for summer applications now!


That is it for now!


Thank you for your patience and time,




등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

Total 2,108건 7 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 날짜
공지 IGE 1383461 0 09-12
공지 IGE 1749268 0 04-20
공지 IGE 2746818 0 09-06
공지 IGE 3577290 0 05-16
공지 IGE 4411847 0 04-27
공지 IGE 746256 0 02-25
공지 IGE 782547 0 12-22
공지 IGE 555612 0 10-20
공지 IGE 655582 0 10-20
2018 214393 0 12-09
2017 186488 0 12-07
열람중 197603 0 12-06
2015 210854 0 11-18
2014 IGE 239658 0 11-09
2013 IGE 215597 0 11-04
2012 IGE 245268 0 11-02
2011 IGE 277832 0 11-01
2010 8480 0 10-31
2009 IGE 10682 0 10-28
2008 9222 0 10-27
2007 9002 0 10-11
2006 8913 0 09-30
2005 9018 0 09-30
2004 10363 0 09-23


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