5월13일자 bc주 초중고 개학 관련 기사 > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


5월13일자 bc주 초중고 개학 관련 기사

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 16,079회 작성일 20-05-07 10:46


간단히 정리 하면


6월 부터 부분 교실 수업, 9월에는 전면 교실 수업


일부 교사들이 5월 11일 부터 학교로 복귀.  입니다. 








“We don’t want anyone to feel they are obliged [to go back],” he continued. “We’ve seen virtual learning take place over the past few numbers of weeks, positive outcomes there but it’s not perfect. We want to make sure we can do a dry run between [the beginning of June to the end of June].”

Horgan said the province is not anticipating any increase to in-class teaching until after the May long weekend.

“[Education] Minister{Rob] Flemming and I will be working to make sure students whose families need to have kids in class will have that opportunity. And we will continue to prepare for the full resumption of classes in September.”

More details are expected to come on schools reopening sometime next week or after the long weekend.



Guidelines for schools from K to 12 will now include routine daily screening for all staff and students.


There will have to be routine and frequent environmental cleaning within all schools.

Smaller class sizes will be required with increased space between desks, alternating attendance arrangements, frequent hand washing, wearing non-medical masks for group activities and sports and limiting group sizes.



Children and staff who have symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID-19, with any coughing or sneezing present, will not be allowed to come to school or take part in extra-curricular activities or sports.

Plans will be made over the summer for increased use of remote online learning, especially for high school children.

There will also be a policy of early arrival and self-isolation for 14 days for all international students.



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Total 2,108건 11 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 날짜
공지 IGE 1400097 0 09-12
공지 IGE 1773769 0 04-20
공지 IGE 2789242 0 09-06
공지 IGE 3635671 0 05-16
공지 IGE 4497695 0 04-27
공지 IGE 750152 0 02-25
공지 IGE 786486 0 12-22
공지 IGE 559506 0 10-20
공지 IGE 660987 0 10-20
1958 14582 0 07-02
1957 18273 0 06-22
1956 12363 0 06-10
1955 12742 0 06-09
1954 13664 0 06-07
1953 37856 0 05-29
1952 13925 0 05-26
1951 13545 0 04-27
1950 14607 0 04-16
1949 14695 0 04-01
1948 19329 0 03-27
1947 17026 0 03-27
1946 18790 0 03-23
1945 31018 0 03-10
1944 31220 0 02-16


IGE Service
