Braemar 학교에 대하여.... > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


Braemar 학교에 대하여....

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 7,291회 작성일 10-02-17 13:03


안녕하세요, 행복한 교육 IGE 죠셉 입니다.


노스밴쿠버 교육청 당담자 Lynne Bolen 선생님한데 받은 이메일 내용이며, 선생님과 만나 대책방안을 만들겠습니다.


다시는 이런 일이 없도록 하여야 합니다.....ㅠ.ㅠ


저 또한 어렸을때 이민와서 이런 대접(?)을 받지는 않았는데..........정말 안타깝습니다...ㅠ.ㅠ

I appreciate you taking the time to email regarding recent situations at Braemar.  I am concerned by your statement when you say that "you often hear there is discrimination against international students in Braemar."  If this is the case, then I am very concerned as to why I have not heard this statement previously.   It is unclear from your email whether or not these situations involved one student and one teacher or more than one student and one teacher.........please confirm.  
I would like to review this situation with the parent(s) of this child(ren) and ask that they come and meet with me and possibly the Administrator at Braemar to discuss this situation.  There is always more than one side to any story so I think it is important to review these concerns as soon as possible so that we know exactly what happened.  We certainly don’t want any student to feel they are being
discriminated against.
I will suggest we meet with the parents tomorrow,  Wednesday, February17th at 1:00 - if this time is not convenient for the parents, please let me know a day and time when they are available.
Regards, Lynne




등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

Total 2,108건 111 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
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449 6747 0 02-16
448 6814 0 02-16
447 6861 0 02-16
446 7063 0 02-16
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444 6859 0 02-16


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