웨밴교육청 9월8일부터 액티비티 일정 입니다. > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


웨밴교육청 9월8일부터 액티비티 일정 입니다.

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 6,702회 작성일 14-09-08 13:32



Dear Agents:

As you are well aware, the BCTF and the provincial government have not yet settled the teacher’s strike. I have received much feedback from our stakeholders – agents, parents, students, and staff – and appreciate how tense this is for everyone. This strike ishistorically unprecedented andthere are very strict laws about what we can and cannot do for any student, Canadian or international. I met with our Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent (top two leaders in the District) and we outlined all the international issues that they will take to a provincial meeting next Tuesday. I hope you can pass this message on to your parents.

Typically at this time of year, International Programs at West Vancouver School District would have a team of well over 100 people: teachers, administrators, and International Program staff all working together with our international student community to make sure that they are engaged in schools. Without our teachers, we are missing a huge part of our team. It is our teachers alone who can offer academic courses such as math, science, and ELL that many international students are anxious to begin.

The International Programs department has put together an enrichment calendar for international students. These activities will engage the students for the next week in interesting and meaningful trips where they can meet with their friends, continue practicing English in a casual environment, and learn about subjects important to their success in Canada. Please see attached the Enrichment Activities calendar and descriptions. I have also emailed this to all international students.

We still hope for timely resolution to this labour dispute and are doing our best as a much smaller team (six people!) to meet our students needs.

Please do not respond to this email with activity registrations as there is a separate email address for all registrations.


Michael Frankowski
District Administrator
International Programs
West Vancouver School District

Office: 604.981.1046
Mobile: 604.219.6988
Skype: west-vancouver-international
Web: westvanintl.ca
아래 표 이외 세부적인 일정과 장소는 첨부 파일 확인 하세요. :   첨부파일 다운로드 :



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

Total 2,108건 116 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 날짜
공지 IGE 1271560 0 09-12
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공지 IGE 4047382 0 04-27
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공지 IGE 597100 0 10-20
383 7374 0 12-24
382 8885 0 12-24
381 7491 0 12-23
380 7261 0 12-22
379 7432 0 12-22
378 29330 0 12-22
377 8012 0 12-18
376 7582 0 12-18
375 7115 0 12-17
374 10095 0 12-16
373 7597 0 12-16
372 7591 0 12-16
371 7035 0 12-16
370 6761 0 12-15
369 7613 0 12-15


IGE Service
