신종플루 예방-Ministry of Education article > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


신종플루 예방-Ministry of Education article

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 10,640회 작성일 09-08-27 02:59


안녕하세요. 요즘 한국, 일본등은 신종플루때문에 개학이 늦어지고 하는일이 있어서 어머님들 여기 상황은 어떤지 걱정되시죠?


학교가 문을 닫는다던지, 개학일이 미뤄지는일은 아직 없었지만, 예방 차원에서

손을 자주 씻는다던지, 공공장소에서

다른 사람이 쓰던 물건을 만지지 않는등등



혹시 아이가 아프고, 신종 플루일지 의심될때는 가까운 Walk-in Clinic을 방문하셔서 의사와 상담하시기를 권해드립니다. 응급시는 811(24시간 휴뮤없이 ) 전화 하시면 간호사가 조치를 안내해드립니다.


업데이트 되는 정보가 있으면 홈페이지에 기재할게요.


행복한 교육 IGE










Ministry of Education 




News reports can sometimes scare children because they often focus on worst-case situations. You can help ease your family’s fears by providing them with accurate information. Here are a few tips for talking to your kids about Swine Flu:


  • Initiate the conversation. Left to their own devices, children can come up with stories that are often more frightening than the reality.
  • Ask them what they have heard. You can help to reassure them with facts.
  • Keep explanations very simple for younger children.
  • Assure your children there is no need to panic. The public health service and health care providers are working hard to limit the spread of the disease and help people who may become ill.
  • Let them know that the last flu pandemic serious enough to affect millions of people happened almost 100 years ago — before people had access to the medical knowledge, care, and medications that we have today. All of the cases in Canada have been mild so far.
  • Remind your kids of ways to avoid getting sick:

o   Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating;

o   Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;

o   Don’t share the same cup or share utensils with other people;

o   Sneeze into a tissue instead of your hands and then throw the tissue away.

o   Tell your parents if you don’t feel well, and stay home from school if you are sick.


You can call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1, 24 hours a day/seven days a week to speak to a nurse if you have more questions or are concerned about any illness/symptoms experienced by you or your children.







Visit the Province’s website at www.gov.bc.ca for online information and services.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

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IGE Service
