캐나다 현지시간 4월 13일 코로나관련 CBC 기사 > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


캐나다 현지시간 4월 13일 코로나관련 CBC 기사

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 10,028회 작성일 20-04-14 17:25


B.C. marks 11 more deaths from COVID-19, but lowest daily increase in cases in 4 weeks


In her 50th daily update on the spread of COVID-19 in B.C., provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced 45 new confirmed cases of the virus in the province on Monday, bringing the total to 1,490.

Eleven more people have died, bringing the number of deaths to 69. The majority of deaths in the province remain connected to long-term care homes.

The update provided on Monday reflects two 24-hour time periods, with 25 new cases detected between Saturday and Sunday, and 20 new cases detected between Sunday and Monday — two of the the lowest daily percentage increases since March 6, when the province began announcing new cases every day.

Henry said the daily update, which has become must-watch viewing for many people across the province, will continue as B.C. continues to manage the crisis.




캐나다 CBC 뉴스 기사에 주말동안 지난 4주간 가장 적은 확진자가 나왔다고 하네요.

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B.C주 코로나 관련 내용 지속적으로 업데이트 해드리도록 하겠습니다.


출처: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-covid19-update-april-13-1.5530942



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