[노스벤쿠버] 학교일정 게시판 > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


[노스벤쿠버] 학교일정 게시판

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 7,140회 작성일 14-09-03 13:41


안녕하세요. 행복한교육IGE입니다.
현재 BC주 파업으로 인하여 학교 정규수업이 진행되지 않고 있습니다.
이와 관련하여 수업료 일부 보상금에 대한 정보가 확인되어 공지드립니다.
노스벤쿠버 소식은 아래 주소로 확인이 가능하십니다. 

12세 미만 학생들을 대상으로 보상금이 하루에 $40신청을 통해 받으실수 있습니다.
BCTF Strike Action
September 2, 2014
Schools are not in session during BC Strike Action. 
Any updates or announcements will be posted here.
September 1, 2014 - Letter to Parents and Guardians of Students in Kindergarten to Grade 12

Schools Not Opening for Instruction on Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This letter is to confirm that North Vancouver schools will not be open for instruction on Tuesday, September 2.  We expect that teachers will not report to work and that our schools will be behind picket lines.  This is deeply disappointing news for our students, families, staff, and Board of Education. 

Efforts over this past weekend to achieve a settlement of the ongoing labour dispute between the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) were unsuccessful.  As the distance between the two parties continues to be significant, the resolution of this dispute remains uncertain.  We remain hopeful that progress will be achieved in the near future to work towards a settlement.   

We encourage families to make alternate arrangements for their children, as necessary, during the continuing strike action. Although principals and vice-principals will be in schools, they will be unable to provide students with instruction or supervision.  We respectfully ask that parents do not bring children to schools for the duration of the strike.

It is our current understanding that preschools and daycares operating on school sites will be open and parents will be allowed to cross picket lines to escort their children to daycares and preschools.  Please contact your daycare and/or preschool provider to review opening and closing times and procedures.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during these difficult times. We will continue to keep you informed through direct messages and through our school district website at www.sd44.ca.


John Lewis 
Superintendent of Schools

Print copy of letter



August 31, 2014

Registration Opens for Parent Support Program

Parents of public school students 12 years-old and under can register for Temporary Education Support athttp://bcparentinfo.ca/ to receive $40 per student for each day school is not in session during the ongoing labour disruption in BC public schools.
This site also includes bargaining updates from the Ministry of Education. 


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

Total 2,108건 26 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 날짜
공지 IGE 1271553 0 09-12
공지 IGE 1598101 0 04-20
공지 IGE 2530583 0 09-06
공지 IGE 3307401 0 05-16
공지 IGE 4047375 0 04-27
공지 IGE 698449 0 02-25
공지 IGE 734190 0 12-22
공지 IGE 506474 0 10-20
공지 IGE 597091 0 10-20
1733 11248 0 08-09
1732 9426 0 08-07
1731 12499 0 08-04
1730 10419 0 08-03
1729 10461 0 08-02
1728 18623 0 08-01
1727 11047 0 07-29
1726 13013 0 07-27
1725 10474 0 07-24
1724 11050 0 07-24
1723 11410 0 07-19
1722 19879 0 07-19
1721 13414 0 07-18
1720 13078 0 07-16
1719 15133 0 07-16


IGE Service
