BC주_중,고등학교 졸업이수 학과목 > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


BC주_중,고등학교 졸업이수 학과목

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 7,381회 작성일 15-05-12 13:09


BC주 중고등학교(Secondary)를 졸업하기 위해서는 반드시 수강해야 하는 과목이 있습니다.

여기에 추가로 봉사활동 30시간을 이수해야 졸업이 가능합니다.


1. Required Courses (48 credits)

- Planning 10 (4 credits)

- A Language Arts 10 (4 credits)

- A Language Arts 11 (4 credits)

- A Language Arts 12 (4 credits)

- A Mathematics 10 (4 credits)

- A Mathmatics 11 or 12 (4 credits)

- A Fine Arts

  and/or Applied Skills 10, 11, or 12 (4 credits)

- A Social Studies 10 (4 credits)

- A Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)

- A Science 10 (4 credits)

- A Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)

- Physical Education 10 (4 credits)





2. Elecrive Courses (28 credits)

Credits from elective courses will be counted from Grades 10 to 12. When planning course selection, remember that at least 16 overall credits must be at the Grade 12 level. Some of these credits may come from required courses (like a Grade 12 Language Arts course) while others can be elective courses.


3. Graduation Transitions (4 credits)

All B.C. secondary school students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 are given the responsibility of preparing for life after secondary school by setting education, career and life goals. More detailed information is available in the program guide:



4. Exams

All B.C. students must write five provincial exams in order to graduate: Language Arts 10, Science 10, Mathematics 10, Social Studies 11 or 12, and Language Arts 12.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.

Total 2,108건 45 페이지
유학맘이야기 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 추천 날짜
공지 IGE 1271119 0 09-12
공지 IGE 1597603 0 04-20
공지 IGE 2530145 0 09-06
공지 IGE 3306803 0 05-16
공지 IGE 4046935 0 04-27
공지 IGE 697991 0 02-25
공지 IGE 733782 0 12-22
공지 IGE 506022 0 10-20
공지 IGE 596641 0 10-20
1448 8776 0 07-04
1447 8918 0 07-04
1446 9631 0 06-22
1445 8939 0 06-21
1444 8097 0 06-16
1443 8677 0 06-16
1442 10091 0 06-07
1441 8235 0 06-03
1440 9612 0 05-31
1439 8671 0 05-27
1438 IGE 17731 0 05-25
1437 9869 0 05-24
1436 9284 0 05-20
1435 9413 0 05-19
1434 9556 0 05-18


IGE Service
