[2014/09학기] 각 교육청 Strike 정보 안내입니다. > 유학맘이야기 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


[2014/09학기] 각 교육청 Strike 정보 안내입니다.

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 6,756회 작성일 14-09-02 08:25




행복한교육 IGE 입니다.


각 교육청에서 받은 내용 정리해서 올려드립니다.

9월1일날짜로 교사파업은 해결되지않은 상태이며, 9월2일날은 학교 휴무이오니, 착오없으시기바랍니다.

(각 교육청마다 진행하는 방향이 다르오니, 참조해주시기 바랍니다)


교육감님들께서 이러한 사항에 대해서 언급하신 사항을 SAHRE 해봅니다.

1. 한국 귀국하실때 재학증명서 발급하는데는 아무런 문제가없다.

2. 수업일수 & 각 학년 커리큘럼 에서는 학교에서 PRO-D DAY (학교휴일) 을 줄이고, 각 학년을 마무리할수있다

3. 성적표 발급 및 학과목 이슈 받는것에 대해서는 문제 없다

4. 교사파업에 대해서 한달 두달까지 간다고하는데 이건 RUMOR 일뿐이고, 주말상관없이 계속 타협중이다.

5. 선생님들은 6월부터 지금현재까지 월급을 못받고 있는 상태이며, 더길게 노조를 할 이유가 없다.

6. BC주 교육부에서 요구한사항은 더이상의 파업을 하지않는 조건으로 10년을 계약해라 라고 요구햇다

7. 현지 영주권/시민권자들은 한달이 지난 후 $40불의 보조를 받는것이다.그렇지만, 40불은 터무니없는 비용이다.


매일 BC주 교육부사이트에서 매일 확인하고 있으며, 각 교육청에서 또한 앞으로 계획 및 대처사항에 대해서 논의중인걸로 알고 있습니다. 각교육청에서 업데이트된 정보 받으면 안내해드리겟습니다.



September 1, 2014

Labour Dispute Update - No Instruction Tuesday, September 2

Along with parents and students, we began the weekend cautiously optimistic that the two provincial parties would achieve a settlement  in time for school to begin on Tuesday, September 2.

With the involvement of a very skilled mediator this past week we were encouraged that we would see a long awaited breakthrough this Labour Day long weekend. However, as many of you will now have heard in the media, talks between the parties broke down on Saturday. The mediator has declared an “impasse” which means that he does not believe that the parties are currently in a place to reach agreement.  Unfortunately many schools will be behind picket lines across the province on Tuesday morning, and likely beyond.

This is a very disappointing time for everyone, especially for students eager to begin classes next week. While schools will be open, teachers will not be reporting to work and neither instruction nor supervision can be offered as planned.

This week administrators will be in schools should you have any questions, but they will be unable to offer either supervision or instruction. As such, we are asking families to not send their children to school on Tuesday September 2nd.  At this time we are unsure if classes may resume later this week.  However, we will continue to provide updates as well as post information on our district website (www.sd45.bc.ca) and social media channels. 

We fully appreciate that the labour dispute has created a lot of uncertainty, frustration and inconvenience for everyone. I look forward to writing with more positive news about the upcoming school year, and thank you for your continued patience during this extremely difficult time.

Chris Kennedy
Superintendent of Schools


Hi Joseph,

New students have all been told what is going on:

  1. New Elementary have an Orientation starting Wednesday. Please see the email from Crystal.
  2. New Secondary. You new secondary students have attended the Orientation already. They will have enrichment activities beginning on Week 2, if the strike continues. These activities will be sent to students by email, so please make sure you have the newest email address from your students and send them to us.
  3. Returning students. These students are to self-prepare, as per the email I sent to all agents on Saturday.

Michael Frankowski
District Administrator
International Programs
West Vancouver School District

Dear New International Student with West Vancouver School District, 


Hello again! We hoped that you enjoyed the two week Orientation and have been busy exploring the city, making new friends and practicing your english!  We truly enjoyed your energy and look forward to working together this year! 

I know that many of you are wondering about school start-up.  As one of our new students in West Vancouver School District’s international program, you may have been following the ongoing labor dispute between the public school teachers and the provincial government.  As of the writing of this email, the strike has unfortunately not been resolved. We understand that schools will not be in session on Tuesday September 2.  We continue to hope that a resolution will be found very soon.  


Please make sure you stay informed by visiting the official District website - www.sd45.bc.ca/news/teacher-job-action.html


So when do I go to school? 

As soon as the strike ends, you may go to school as normal. We will continue to email our students and homestay families with updates. Please check the District website on a daily basis. Your school’s website will also have information about the first day of school and starting and finishing times. 

What  should I do this week? 

We encourage you to use your time wisely by preparing for the upcoming academic year, exploring the city, using the community recreation centres and libraries, playing sports, and finding opportunities to practice your english. 


Enrichment Programs: 

If the strike continues into the second week of September, the International Programs department will begin to offer enrichment programs. These optional free events will allow students to explore their city, expand their understanding of Canadian culture, and continue to acquire English language skills. We will communicate these activities to you by email.  Please make sure that the International Program has ALL your updated contact information (address, mobile and email!)


Thank you for your patience during these frustrating times.




Crystal Tanfara

Vice-Principal, International Programs 

West Vancouver School District

DIRECT    604.981.1299 •  MOBILE 604.219.6966

WEBSITE : http://www.westvanintl.ca


September 1, 2014 - Letter to Parents and Guardians of Students in Kindergarten to Grade 12

Schools Not Opening for Instruction on Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This letter is to confirm that North Vancouver schools will not be open for instruction on Tuesday, September 2.  We expect that teachers will not report to work and that our schools will be behind picket lines.  This is deeply disappointing news for our students, families, staff, and Board of Education. 

Efforts over this past weekend to achieve a settlement of the ongoing labour dispute between the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) were unsuccessful.  As the distance between the two parties continues to be significant, the resolution of this dispute remains uncertain.  We remain hopeful that progress will be achieved in the near future to work towards a settlement.   

We encourage families to make alternate arrangements for their children, as necessary, during the continuing strike action. Although principals and vice-principals will be in schools, they will be unable to provide students with instruction or supervision.  We respectfully ask that parents do not bring children to schools for the duration of the strike.

It is our current understanding that preschools and daycares operating on school sites will be open and parents will be allowed to cross picket lines to escort their children to daycares and preschools.  Please contact your daycare and/or preschool provider to review opening and closing times and procedures.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during these difficult times. We will continue to keep you informed through direct messages and through our school district website at www.sd44.ca.


John Lewis
Superintendent of Schools



Job Action Update - August 29, 2014 - Letter from Superintendent

August 29, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an update on the provincial labour dispute and, in particular, with respect to whether or not schools will be operating on Tuesday, September 2.

As you are aware, the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) reached an impasse with regard to negotiating a new contract and, as a result, on June 17, 2014 the BCTF escalated to a full-scale strike. Unfortunately, there was no resolution to the dispute over the summer months and so the strike is still in place. A glimmer of hope came about this week with the two parties agreeing to meet with Vince Ready, a highly respected mediator. We are hopeful that he can assist in mediating a settlement, but at the time of writing this letter, there is no agreement and the prospect of schools operating on Tuesday following Labour Day remains uncertain.

Our goal as a school district is to get schools in operation as quickly as possible following the lifting of picket lines.

If a settlement and/or resolution to the strike action is reached by early Monday evening, we hope that schools may open on Tuesday with our normal shortened opening day. Parents are encouraged to consult our website (www.vsb.bc.ca) and follow the local media for announcements over the long weekend.

The safety and security of our students is our highest priority. Should any students arrive at school if picket lines are in place, our school administrators will ensure that they are cared for until they can be safely returned to their homes under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

I am sorry that the normally exciting beginning to a new school year has been reduced to this high level of uncertainty.  We have an outstanding public education system in British Columbia and I am proud of the hard work and support provided by all staff in this complex school district.

It is my hope that the labour impasse is resolved quickly at the bargaining table and that our school district can soon return to normal operations.

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.


Dr. Steve Cardwell

Superintendent of Schools



다운로드 :


Dear parents/custodians of international students;

Earlier this week I had shared a note to all parents/custodians in our community about our hopes for a return to school on September 2nd. While that letter was in general for all parents I wanted to write specifically to our international students and their parents/custodians. For these students, the labour unrest that threatens the start of school is likely both a surprise and unfamiliar territory. Students have paid their fees, have travelled in some cases across the world and their expectations for going to school on Tuesday are in significant jeopardy. I wanted to inform you of our plans and what we are doing to continue to provide a quality experience despite the strike.

First, we have arranged and completed the language assessments needed for secondary students and have provided these assessments to schools. We changed our routines to ensure that students could have their English language abilities assessed which will help for appropriate class placement once school begins. Understanding their needs is the first part of arranging a quality program.
Next, we have shifted some of our routine travel and cultural experiences that we would do in a year. We have moved these experiences forward from throughout the year to the first two weeks of September as an extended orientation. We have worked closely with some of our partners to provide experiences that will enable students new to Surrey and Canada to get to know our metro region more in depth and to experience some of the cultural wonder and diversity that is the Greater Vancouver area. We believe students will enjoy these experiences with expert guides and these activities will help begin the school year off in a positive way.

Finally, we are monitoring the situation very closely to determine if there are other adjustments to be made if the strike should continue. Of course, at this time, we do not know whether or not teachers will be back at work next week. If they are back at work, that is fabulous news and we will begin our year normally, if they are not back, we have plans in place for our international students to get the year started.
We believe we have a strong international program that provides quality education and rich cultural learning. The Surrey School District is committed to making sure we are doing everything possible to ensure that our international students receive the quality they have come to expect. I am confident that we have good plans for the first two weeks of September and our senior leadership team is working hard to determine how we can continue to provide a rich program for our students even if the strike continues.

You will receive an email from our International Department that will provide details of our upcoming routines so that students and parents or custodians know what to expect next week.

I wanted to write personally to you and our international students to let you know that that we are committed to providing a quality program and we still believe the students will have a great year in Surrey.

We hope that the strike resolves itself quickly so that you can have the certainty you deserve. However, please know that we are working hard on your behalf to do all we can do to make sure your year starts well.

Jordan Tinney
Superintendent of Schools/CEO

Copy: Surrey School District certified Agents


Dear Parents and Custodians of Surrey’s International Students,

As a follow-up to the letter sent this morning from our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jordan Tinney, I am writing to provide more information for our international students, parents, custodians and agents.
We are encouraged by the fact the provincial government and the BCTF (teachers’ union) have re-engaged in talks this afternoon in an effort to reach a settlement as soon as possible. If we receive last-minute notice of a resolution and are informed that schools can open, we have routines in place. While there would certainly be some issues related to timetabling of students and finalizing classes, we would like nothing more than to open as quickly as possible.

Opening times and details will be communicated to parents and custodians via email, our website and social media. Please know as information becomes available, we will be updating our website with any significant news. Parents and custodians are also encouraged to continue following the media for updates.

If school should not begin on the traditional first day of Tuesday, September 2, an extended orientation for Grade 4-12 students new to Surrey School District commencing Wednesday, September 3 will be offered. These activities will allow the new international students to explore their city, expand their understanding of Canadian culture, and continue to acquire English language skills. Information about these activities will be communicated to the appropriate parents and custodians in an email from the International Education Department on Friday, August 29.

Please note that we will continue to monitor and re-assess the situation and keep you updated and informed. We wish that we had more positive news to share though there is still time for schools to open next week if a deal can be reached before then.

Angela Olson
Manager, International Education

cc: Surrey School District certified Agents



To all our Langley Agents and Partners around the world,


Unfortunately the labour disagreement between the Provincial Government and BC Public School Teachers has not reached a settlement. Both sides are currently continuing to meet formally so I am very hopeful that we will have an agreement soon and schools will open as planned in September. I have provided as much detail as I have in the attached letter.


The attachment will also outline some tentative planned activities that will take place for students should a labour disruption continue into September. Please note that for our secondary students, the planned activities are for new students only. For our elementary students, all students will be permitted to participate. Also note that plans will be cancelled if schools are open. 


Thanks you again for your continued understanding and support.




Barry Bunyan



다운로드 :


September 1, 2014

Letter from the Superintendent

Re: School start delayed

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Community of Delta,

I am writing this letter to provide you with updated information about school start-up next week. Unfortunately, school will not start on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014. Teachers will continue to be engaged in a full-strike on Tuesday, and this strike could potentially last throughout the entire week of September 2-5, 2014.

Over the weekend, mediator Vince Ready stepped away from the labour negotiations between the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF). He did so indicating the two sides are too far apart to mediate at this point. This means a deal has not yet been reached and schools will remain behind picket lines on Tuesday, with a strong likelihood the pickets will continue throughout the week.

School Operation during the full strike

With schools behind picket lines, there will be no instruction and no support staff/CUPE members on site. While school buildings will be open, only Principals and Vice-Principals will be in the buildings. Since staff will not be available to provide adequate supervision or instruction, we ask parents to NOT send their children to school and to make alternative childcare arrangements as needed.

Strong Start Centres will also be closed and user groups will not be able to operate because we will not have staff in place to facilitate building use. We understand that pickets are not intended to impact daycares, so daycares located within Delta School District buildings may remain open; however, please directly contact your daycare operator to confirm whether or not they are open.


School buses for students with special needs will not be running during the strike.

Further Information

The Delta School District will continue to inform parents of any changes or developments in the job action status through school websites, the district website at web.deltasd.bc.ca and via email. We ask parents to pay close attention to our website and to local news media for reports regarding the strike.

I appreciate the difficulty of this situation for our families and I want to thank all of our parents, students and staff for your patience throughout these uncertain times. I remain optimistic that a negotiated settlement will be reached soon so our students can get back to school.


Yours truly,

Dianne Turner 

Superintendent, Delta School District




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