[써리 교육청] 9월 5일 금요일 오후 12:00까지 프로그램 신청
페이지 정보
9월 5일 금요일 오후 12:00까지
설문조사 작성을 한 학생들 한에서 프로그램이 제공 됩니다
설문조사 Link:
It is our hope that an agreement will be reached before September 15, however we feel it is best to be prepared should the bargaining take longer than expected.
Your valuable feedback will allow us to explore possible programming to better meet your needs and interest along with your student’s.
Should this programming be required, you must complete the following survey by 12:00pm noon on Friday, September 5. Your child can only participate in the programming if this survey is completed.
Please click on the link below:
Thank you for your feedback.
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.
회원가입/로그인 후 댓글 남겨 주세요.