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미국대학의 SAT 선택에 대한 최근 자료 조사 (1-70위 까지) > 세컨더리-자료실 | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학


대학진학 미국대학의 SAT 선택에 대한 최근 자료 조사 (1-70위 까지)

페이지 정보

작성자 IGE
댓글 0건 조회 702회 작성일 24-11-15 15:11


미국대학 하면 가장 먼저 떠오르는 단어는 "SAT" 일텐데요.


하지만 SAT는 모든 미국대학에서 필수가 아닙니다. 


UC계열의 모든 대학은 아예 제출할 필요도 없죠.


그래서 아직 어리다면 당연 SAT를 준비 해야 하지만 고학년인 경우 무조건 SAT를 하는 것 보다는 GPA, 토플성적, AP 등 종합적으로 고려 해서 


SAT시험에 뛰어 들지 결정을 하시는 것이 좋죠.


* 모바일에서 보시면 오른쪽이 짤려서 보일수 있습니다. (PC에서는 제대로 보여요.)


랭킹 대학 SAT 필요 SAT/ACT 추가 정보 열1
1 Princeton University X Optional SAT/ACT/IB/AP (Optional), Transcript (Academic Record or internal and external exams), Graded Written Paper (in English, preferably an English, social studies or history course), Princeton-specific Questions, 영어 점수, school report, final report, midyear report, Counselor Recommendation, 2 Teacher Recommendations, interview (optional)
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology O - SAT/ACT scores, TOEFL 100/IELTS 7.5/PTE 70/Cambridge C1 or C2 190/Duolingo 125, AP/IB/A Level (optional), transcript, secondary school report, short response questions and essays, activity list, Self-reported Coursework Form, 2 teacher letters of recommendation, counselor letter of recommendation, School Profile, interview
3 Harvard University O - Subsets of questions, activities list, Personal essay, Harvard College Questions, SAT/ACT score, AP (optional), School Report (which includes a counselor letter), high school transcript, 2 teacher recommendations, Midyear School Report, final school report (admitted students), 영어 점수 (optional), interview (optional)
4 Stanford University X * Fall 2025: Optional; Fall 2026부터 SAT/ACT 점수 제출 필요 SAT/ACT scores (optional), School Report form and counselor letter of recommendation, Letters of recommendation from two teachers, Official transcript(s) or academic results, Midyear transcript, Essay and short answer questions, interview (optional), English proficiency exam (optional)
5 Yale University X * SAT/ACT가 없으면 AP/IB으로 대체 가능 Recommendations from two teachers and one counselor, Yale-specific questions, School Report with transcript, Standardized test results: ACT, AP, IB, or SAT, Mid-Year Report & Final Report, 영어 점수
6 California Institute of Technology O SAT/ACT 점수 제출 필요 + AP/IB 시험 봤으면 추가로 제출 SAT/ACT scores, AP/IB (if available), TOEFL 100/IELTS 7.0/Duolingo 130, transcripts and two letters of recommendation (1 STEM, 1 humantities/social science), InitialView conversation (recommended) and writing sample
6 Duke University X Optional All high school transcripts, SAT/ACT score (Optional), TOEFL 100/IELTS 7.0/Duolingo 130/PTE 70/Cambridge C1 or C2 180, 3 letters of recommendation, 1 Personal Recommendation (Optional), Extracurricular activity list, Essay and short-answer prompt, Interview (Optional)
6 Johns Hopkins University X * Fall 2025: Optional but encouraged; Fall 2026부터 SAT/ACT 점수 제출 필요 Official record of academic performance (include any certificates, diplomas, or examination results marking the completion of secondary education or preparation for higher education (i.e., O- or A-level or IB exam results)), high school transcript, SAT/ACT score (optional but recommended), activities list inclusive of family or work responsibilities, personal statement, hopkins supplemental essay, secondary school report, two teacher evaluations, midyear report, TOEFL 600/IELTS 7.0
6 Northwestern University X Optional SAT/ACT score (Optional), Interview (Optional), two letters of recommendation, Personal Statement and Supplemental Essays, Activity Chart, 영어 점수, secondary school transcript
10 University of Pennsylvania X Optional Personal Essay, Penn-Specific Essays and Short Answers, Official High School Transcript and School Report, 3 Letters of Recommendation, SAT/ACT score (Optional), Mid-Year Report, National Exam Results (if applicable), 영어 점수
11 Cornell University X * Fall 2025: Optional; Fall 2026부터 SAT/ACT 점수 제출 필요 SAT/ACT score (Optional), Common Application School Forms and Transcripts, School Report, Counselor Recommendation, two teacher recommendations, Official high school transcript Y9-12, Final exam results, Predicted exam results (such as IB, A-Levels) if available, Mid-year Report/Transcript, Cornell Writing Supplements, IELTS 7.5/TOEFL 100/Duolingo 130
11 University of Chicago X Optional List of extracurricular activities, Personal Statement, 1 extended essay, Secondary School Report, High School Transcript, 2 Letters of Recommendation, midyear report, college interview, 영어 점수, Optional: SAT/ACT score, two-minute video introduction
13 Brown University O - High school transcript, School Report, Midyear School Report and Transcript, Counselor Recommendation, 2 Teacher Evaluations/Recommendations, Final School Report and Transcript, SAT/ACT Score, Brown University Specific Questions, IELTS 8.0/TOEFL 105/Duolingo 130/PTE 75/Cambridge C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency 191
13 Columbia University X Optional Secondary school report, school profile, Internal and external exam results, high school transcript, One high school counselor’s recommendation, two teacher recommendations, midyear report, TOEFL 105/IELTS 7.5/Duolingo 135 Cambridge C1/C2 191/SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing section 700, Autobiographical information, Lists and descriptions of a student’s achievements, activities, employment and summer activities, Personal essay, Columbia specific questions
15 Dartmouth College X * SAT/ACT가 없는 경우 A Level/IB 등 다른 국가 시험 성적 제출해야 함 SAT/ACT/IB/A Level/국가시험 점수, Supplemental Essay, Two Letters of Recommendation, Midyear report, Secondary School Report with Transcript, School Profile, and Counselor Evaluation, Peer Evaluation (Recommended), TOEFL 100/IELTS 7/Duolingo 135
15 University of California--Los Angeles X Not required TOEFL 100/IELTS 7/Duolingo 130, Middle and senior high school academic records/transcripts and a senior high school diploma, SAT/ACT score (optional), Personal Insight Questions
17 University of California, Berkeley X Not required TOEFL 100/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 115/SAT Writing and Language 31, Two letters of recommendation (Voluntary), SAT/ACT score (optional), High school transcript, Graduation certificate, IB/AP/A Level scores (if applicable), Personal Insight Questions
18 Rice University X SAT/ACT점수 "Recommended but not required" All official high school transcripts, Final exam results (for example IGCE/GCSE, CBSE X/AISSCE X), Predicted exam results (if available), 3 letters of recommendation, TOEFL 100/IELTS 7/Duolingo 130
18 University of Notre Dame X Optional School transcript, secondary school report, letter of recommendation, iBT TOEFL 100/IELTS 7.5/Duolingo 120/PTE Academic 70
18 Vanderbilt University X Optional High school transcript, 3 letters of recommendation, college scholarship service (CSS) profile, TOEFL iBT 100/TOEFL Essentials 10.5/IELTS 7.0/Cambridge English C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency 185/PTE Academic 70/Duolingo 130
21 Carnegie Mellon University X Highly recommended for School of Computer Science applicants Common application, high school transcript, 3 letters of recommendation, essay, writing supplement, IELTS 7.5/TOEFL iBT 102/TOEFL Essentials 11/Duolingo 135/Cambridge English Assessment 191
21 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor X SAT or ACT score, if available (있으면 제출) Common application, school report, 2 letters of recommendation, high school transcript, IELTS 7.0/TOEFL iBT 100/TOEFL Essentials 10/ECPE C/Cambridge English C1 Advanced 185/C2 Proficiency B/PTE Academic 68/MET 64
21 Washington University in St. Louis X * 다른 국가 시험으로 대체 가능 (IB/A Level/AP 등)* Secondary school diploma, academic transcript, description of grading system, national exam results, school-leaving certificates, academic records, 영어점수
24 Emory University X Optional Standardized testing scores optional, English scores, recommendation letters, personal statements and esssys, time outside of class (스펙)
24 Georgetown University O - Secondary school report and transcript, teacher's recommendation, SAT 점수, English scores not required but recommended
24 University of Virginia X Optional Standardized testing scores optional, English scores strongly encouraged, secondary school report, counselor letter of recommendation, one teacher evaluation  
27 University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill X Optional Extracurricular Activities, Essay and Two Short Answers, Letter of Recommendation, Official Transcript and School Report, SAT/ACT Scores optional, English Proficiency Exam Scores
27 University of Southern California X * Optional (하지만 다른 국가 시험 점수 제출해야 함 A Level, IB 등)* Provide official copies of academic records from all secondary or senior secondary schools, pre-university programs, and colleges and universities you have attended, External examination results and/or predicted results (A Level, IB 등), TOEFL100/IELTS 7/PTE 68/SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section 650/ACT English 27
29 University of California, San Diego X Not required High school graduation certificate, academic scores, Original records in English from middle school and high school (All grade 12 classes must be passed with a C result or better, with an overall 3.0 (or equivalent)), high school transcript, AP/IB scores if available, personal insight questions, 영어점수
30 New York University X Optional Standardized test scores optional, Self Reported Academic Record (SRAR), TOEFL iBT 100/Duolingo 130/IELTS Academic 7.5/PTE Academic 70/Cambridge English Scale 191/iTEP 4.5, Records of all college work, Common Application Mid Year Report with updated academic record
30 University of Florida O Middle 50% of the 2022 Freshman Class: SAT 1350-1490/ACT 30-34 SAT/ACT 점수, 영어 점수, three full years of most current secondary school transcripts, final/senior year schedule or predicted grades
30 The University of Texas--Austin O SAT/ACT Scores required for students applying to Summer/Fall 2025 and beyond Essay and short answers, High School Transcripts and Any College Transcripts, Official final examinations including external exams such as A Levels, high school prerequisites, SAT/ACT Scores, 영어 점수, Optional: Resume, Letters of Recommendation
33 Georgia Institute of Technology O Evaluated based on highest section score on Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math SAT/ACT 점수, 영어 점수, High school transcript, Contribution to Community, Personal Essays, Up to four recommendations (optional), Interview (optional)
33 University of California, Davis X Not required 영어 점수, all high school academic records, 스펙, Academic accomplishments in light of your life experiences and special circumstances 
33 University of California--Irvine X Not required 영어 점수, high school transcript/records after admission, personal insight questions, optional: ib/a level/gpa/스펙/academic accomplishments in light of your experiences and special circumstances
33 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign X Optional 영어 점수, high school transcript, related experiences (extracurricular activities, honors, and awards), SAT/ACT score (optional)
37 Boston College X Optional iBT 100/IELTS 7.5/Duolingo 130, School Report and Counselor Recommendation Form, 2 Teacher Evaluations, Mid-Year Grade Report, Boston College Writing Supplement, official high/secondary school transcript
37 Tufts University X Optional TOEFL 100/IELTS 7/PTE 68/Duolingo 130, transcripts, extra-curricular and community engagement, essays, recommendation letters, personal attributes and interests, and standardized testing (when submitted)
39 University of California, Santa Barbara X Not required IELTS 6.5/iBT 80/Duolingo 115, high school diploma, high school transcript, 스펙, Academic accomplishments in light of your life experiences and special circumstances, personal achievements
39 University of Wisconsin--Madison X Optional Two essays, high school transcript, certificate of graduation (to finalize admission), gpa and class rank, final exam results, one letter of recommendation, IELTS 6.5/iBT 80/Duolingo 115, Optional: SAT/ACT score 
41 Boston University X Optional 고등학교 졸업장, Senior Year Grades, School Counselor Recommendation and School Report Form, Teacher Evaluation, Duolingo 125-135/iBT 90-100/IELTS 7, Documentation of Financial Support, Copy of Data Page of Passport, Optional: SAT/ACT score 
41 The Ohio State University X International applicants are not required to submit ACT or SAT scores (Also optional) High school transcripts, SAT/ACT Score (optional), Recommendation from a teacher or counselor (optional), TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 120, Proof of financial support
41 Rutgers University--New Brunswick X Optional High school courses, grades, grade-point averages, and class rank, TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 115, Extracurricular Activities, Essay
44 University of Maryland, College Park X Optional Essay, Activities and awards list or resume, 2 letters of recommendation, official copy of your high school transcript (internal course results and official results and certificates of completion from national secondary school examinations where appropriate), SAT/ACT scores optional, IELTS 7/iBT 95/Duolingo 120
44 University of Rochester X Optional Secondary school transcript, Teacher recommendation (one required), School report/counselor recommendation, Mid-year report (when available), Final transcript (when available), IELTS 7.5/iBT 100/Duolingo 130/English Proficiency Waiver Request, Optional: Interview, SAT/ACT 점수, Writing Sample, Family/Peer Recommendation Form
46 Lehigh University X Optional but are recommended as college credit may be awarded for scores > 700 Lehigh Questions and Writing Supplement, Recommendations and Reports, School Report (including counselor recommendation) and Official High School Transcript, Teacher Recommendation (one), Mid-year School Report and Transcript, Final School Report and Transcript (after graduation), SAT/ACT 점수 (optional), TOEEFL 90/Duolingo 110/IELTS(점수 미제기)
46 Purdue University--Main Campus O Middle 50% of the 2023 Freshman Class: SAT: 1210-1450/ACT 27-34 Essay and Purdue-specific question, Self-reported high school grades, Self-reported ACT/SAT test scores, Y9-11 School Transcript (if in school)/Y10-12 School Transcript + High School Certificate (if graduated), iBT 80/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 110/SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) section 600
46 University of Georgia O Middle-50% of Admitted Class of 2028: SAT 1270-1470 Transcript from your graduating high school, SAT/ACT scores, Secondary School Report/Counselor Recommendation, Teacher/Other Letter of Recommendation, Optional: 영어 점수 
46 University of Washington X Not required iBT 76/IELTS 6/Duolingo 110, self-reported courses, high school transcripts (after admission), essays, Additional information about yourself or your circumstances
46 Wake Forest University X Optional Undergraduate Admissions Application, Secondary School Report, Teacher Recommendation Form, 영어 점수, Optional: Counselor Recommendation, Supplemental Questions, Video Interview, Virtual Interview, SAT/ACT scores, Mid-Year School Report 
51 Case Western Reserve University X Optional iBT 90/IELTS 7/PTE Academic 61/Duolingo 115/Language proficiency waiver, high school transcript, application essay, Optional: Additional letters of recommendation, Resumes, Research abstracts, ACT Writing Tests, Predicted IB results, AP scores
51 Texas A&M University X Optional but encouraged to submit if available Application essay, iBT 80/TOEFL Essentials 8.5/SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing 560/ACT English 21/IELTS 6.0, Official High School Transcript, Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR), all secondary school records and/or examination results
51 Virginia Tech X International applicants are not required to submit ACT or SAT scores (Also optional) Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)/Copies of your secondary school transcripts and all exam results, TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.5/PTE 59/Duolingo 119/Cambridge Assessment English 176/SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing 550/ACT English 24/IB English A 5/IGCSE/GCSE/GCE A, B, or C, or 6-9 in English First Language (if necessary), Optional: SAT/ACT, Awarding of Advanced Standing Credit (IB/A Levels 등)
54 Florida State University O All first-year applicants must submit at least one set of ACT, CLT, and/or SAT scores Student Self-reported Academic Record (SSAR) (if applicable), all academic records including official school transcripts, international examination results and/or a secondary school evaluation based on your personal academic history, Secondary School Evaluation, ACT/CLT/SAT scores, iBT 80/IELTS 6.5/PTE 55/Duolingo 120/Cambridge C1 Advanced Level or C2 Proficiency 180, Essay and Resume/List of Activities
54 Northeastern University X Optional Coursework and Grades Form, 1 teacher recommendation and 1 school counselor recommendation, high school transcripts, Mid-Year Report(Regular Decision), Graduation Certificate/Final Exam Score (A Level, IB등), National Exam Score (if applicable), Optional Standardized Testing, IELTS 7.5-8/TOEFL 106-113/Duolingo 135-145/PTE 73-78/C1 Advanced (CAE) or C2 Proficiency 191-204, Interview
54 University of Minnesota--Twin Cities X Not required iBT 79/IELTS 6.5/PTE 59/Cambridge C1 Advanced 180/Duolingo 110, High school record (Transcript and scores), SAT/ACT scores (optional), 스펙 리스트, Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)
54 William & Mary X Optional Secondary School Report (With High School Transcript and Counselor Letter of Recommendation), Midyear School Report form, Personal Statement, Activities/Interests, Optional: Teacher Evaluation Form and Letter of Recommendation, SAT/ACT score, TOEFL 100/IELTS 7 (Highly recommended), interview
58 North Carolina State University X Optional Essay prompts, short-answer questions, Official secondary school transcripts, iBT 80/IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 9/Duolingo 110, Optional SAT or ACT scores, Proof of Financial Ability
58 Stony Brook University--SUNY X Optional High school transcript (3 years if still in school, 4 years if already graduated), iBT 80/IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 9/Duolingo 105/ACT English 19/SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (new examination) 480, One letter of recommendation, Essay
58 University of California, Merced X Not considered  Secondary school certificate of completion, middle and senior high school academic records/transcripts, iBT 80/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 115/SAT Writing and Language 31, Personal Insight Questions, AP/IB/International exams (only if applicable), Activities & awards
58 University of Massuchusetts--Amherst X Optional Common application (including UMASS questions), Official high school transcript (grades 9-11) or Secondary School Exams, Official transcripts for all completed college coursework (if applicable), Letter of recommendation, TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 115/Unscripted interview, Optional Interview
58 Villanova University X Optional Secondary School records, high school transcript, final examination results (if applicable), one teacher letter of recommendation, senior year grades (if applicable), 영어 점수, Optional: Counselor lette rof recommendation, ACT/SAT score
63 Brandeis University X Optional Official copies of all high school transcripts and/or GED certificate and/or marks from any externally graded national exams, school report, 2 letters of recommendation, High School Senior Grades (as soon as possible), standardized test scores (Optional), 영어 점수, Financial documentation, Third-party interviews (optional)
63 George Washington University X Optional Essay, GW Writing Supplement (optional), secondary school transcript, school report, letter of recommendation, TOEFL 90/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 115/PTE 61/Waiver, Optional Unscripted Video Interviews, SAT/ACT score (optional)
63 Michigan State University X Optional All secondary school transcripts, marks sheets, certificates and diplomas, Esssy, TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 110/PTE 53
63 The Pennsylvania State University--University Park X Optional Official transcripts from their last three years of work, SAT/ACT score (Optional), TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 120
63 Santa Clara University X Optional until 2025 High school transcripts, One Academic Teacher Evaluation, Secondary School Report Form, Mid-Year Report, TOEFL 90/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 120, Optional but recommended Interview
63 Turlane University X Optional List of activities, written statement, Secondary School Transcripts, counselor recommendation form, Secondary School Report, Optional Interview, TOEFL 95/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 130, SAT/ACT score (Optional), certification of finance
63 University of Miami X Optional Personal Statement and Supplemental Essay, List of extracurricular activities, SAT/ACT score (optional), Letter of recommendation, TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 125/Language Waiver, school report, high school transcript
70 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute X Optional Essay, iBT 88/IELTS 7.0/Duolingo 115/PTE 59, High school academic transcript, optional interview, Letter of Recommendation, SAT/ACT score (optional)
70 University of Connecticut X Optional Essay, Two letters of recommendation (Optional but preferred), high school transcript, SAT/ACT score (Optional), TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.5/Duolingo 100
70 University of Pittsburgh X Optional Personal Statement, Short answer question, Extracurricular activities, high school records (including transcripts), any national/state examination results required in your country, SAT/ACT score (optional), resume and letters of recommendation (optional), TOEFL 95/IELTS 7.0/Duolingo 125




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Total 59건 1 페이지
세컨더리-자료실 목록
  제목 작성일
28 학업관리 2024-03-22 10:02:41
62 대학진학 2024-11-24 19:53:41
60 대학진학 2024-11-21 09:57:18
59 대학진학 2024-11-20 17:19:37
58 대학진학 2024-11-20 14:13:12
57 대학진학 2024-11-15 15:11:40
56 대학진학 2024-07-17 17:20:16
55 TOEFL,SAT,AP 2024-07-15 10:14:55
54 학업관리 2024-06-03 11:41:45
53 대학진학 2024-05-28 17:13:36
38 대학진학 2024-05-14 09:16:09
37 대학진학 2024-05-14 09:10:34
36 대학진학 2024-05-14 09:08:17
35 TOEFL,SAT,AP 2024-04-27 12:46:15
34 TOEFL,SAT,AP 2024-04-27 12:44:10
31 학업관리 2024-03-22 14:47:56
30 학업관리 2024-03-22 14:35:53
