칠리왁 (Chilliwack) 교육청-밴쿠버 외곽 한인소수 우수학군지 > Homestay Shool | 행복한교육 IGE 캐나다조기유학

Homestay Shool

BC주 공립 교육청배정 칠리왁 (Chilliwack) 교육청-밴쿠버 외곽 한인소수 우수학군지

페이지 정보

작성자 IGE
댓글 0건 조회 87,519회 작성일 08-05-23 13:29


Update: Feb 14, 2024


 ● 3개의 세컨더리 모두 AP과정 제공.


 ● 밴쿠버 중심지와 차이 없는 학업능력의 세컨더리.


 ● 소수의 한국학생 비율.


 ● 최근 신설 또는 리노베이션한 학교들. 



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홈페이지 : https://isp.sd33.bc.ca/

주소 : 8430 Cessna Drive Chilliwack, BC, V2P 7K4, Canada. 

학비 : $16,500/년 

한학기 학비: $8,750/per Semester

입학신청비(환불불가) : $300

의료보험 : 학비에 포함

홈스테이 배정비: $450

홈스테이 비용: $1,050/월




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 Garison Crossing 뉴타운



Chilliwack Secondary School

전교생 : 1550명

2014년에 새로운 건물 완공

다양한 AP 과정 제공

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Sardis Secondary School

전교생  약 1500 명


 AP courses in Math and the Sciences.

  A superb Music Program that has Strings classes and that, among many other things, puts on a Broadway style musical every year.

  The Sardis Drumline performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler and for the Vancouver Canucks home games in 2021/22.

  The Sardis Hockey Academy strives to provide intense hockey specific training targeted at developing the whole athlete including the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.

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G.W. Graham Secondary School

 전교생  약 1500 명

New expansion opened in 2022 

● Robust AP program which offers an AP Capstone Diploma in addition to many AP class options.

 Superb Music Program that has won numerous awards, including competitions in the United States.

 Renown Athletics Program which was awarded the 2021-22 BC School Sports Outstanding School Award.

 Houses a state-of-the-art 350 seat theatre for a variety of performances and the yearly Chilliwack Student Film Festival.


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Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology Secondary School

전교생: Approx. 400 students

 Established in 2021

● Provides unique opportunities for students with an interest in arts, technology and integrated hands-on learning.

 Boasts multiple studio spaces for Music, Dance, and Art as well as a modern theatre with high-end technology.

 Innovative approach to teaching & learning that reflects current research in education.

 Brand new gymnasium and a Professional Culinary Arts teac

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교육청내 학교 위치 지도 

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Garison Crossing 뉴타운 










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