BC주 공립 교육청배정 칠리왁 (Chilliwack) 교육청-밴쿠버 외곽 한인소수 우수학군지
페이지 정보

Update: Feb 14, 2024
● 3개의 세컨더리 모두 AP과정 제공.
● 밴쿠버 중심지와 차이 없는 학업능력의 세컨더리.
● 소수의 한국학생 비율.
● 최근 신설 또는 리노베이션한 학교들.
홈페이지 : https://isp.sd33.bc.ca/
주소 : 8430 Cessna Drive Chilliwack, BC, V2P 7K4, Canada.
학비 : $16,500/년
한학기 학비: $8,750/per Semester
입학신청비(환불불가) : $300
의료보험 : 학비에 포함
홈스테이 배정비: $450
홈스테이 비용: $1,050/월
Garison Crossing 뉴타운
Chilliwack Secondary School 전교생 : 1550명 2014년에 새로운 건물 완공 다양한 AP 과정 제공
Sardis Secondary School 전교생 약 1500 명
● AP courses in Math and the Sciences. ● A superb Music Program that has Strings classes and that, among many other things, puts on a Broadway style musical every year. ● The Sardis Drumline performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler and for the Vancouver Canucks home games in 2021/22. ● The Sardis Hockey Academy strives to provide intense hockey specific training targeted at developing the whole athlete including the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
G.W. Graham Secondary School 전교생 약 1500 명 New expansion opened in 2022 ● Robust AP program which offers an AP Capstone Diploma in addition to many AP class options. ● Superb Music Program that has won numerous awards, including competitions in the United States. ● Renown Athletics Program which was awarded the 2021-22 BC School Sports Outstanding School Award. ● Houses a state-of-the-art 350 seat theatre for a variety of performances and the yearly Chilliwack Student Film Festival.
Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology Secondary School 전교생: Approx. 400 students Established in 2021 ● Provides unique opportunities for students with an interest in arts, technology and integrated hands-on learning. ● Boasts multiple studio spaces for Music, Dance, and Art as well as a modern theatre with high-end technology. ● Innovative approach to teaching & learning that reflects current research in education. ● Brand new gymnasium and a Professional Culinary Arts teac
교육청내 학교 위치 지도
Garison Crossing 뉴타운
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