광역밴쿠버 초등학교 랭킹 > 엄마동반 자료실

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엄마동반 자료실

캐나다교육 광역밴쿠버 초등학교 랭킹

페이지 정보

작성자 IGE
댓글 0건 조회 140,049회 작성일 24-06-24 11:00


초등학교 랭킹은 Gr4대상으로 매년 하는 기초학력평가 결과를 기준으로 발표 됩니다. 


이 랭킹에 대해서 오해 하지 말아야 할점은

초등랭킹이 높다고 공부를 많이 시키는 학교? 이런 의미가 전혀 아닙니다.

단지 그 학교에 기초학력이 낮은 학생이 없거나 극소수다 라고 보시면 됩니다.


Gr4 기초 학력 평가 문제는 정말 어이 없을 정도로 쉽죠. (시험지 포함 기초 학력 평가 관련 유학맘 후기 바로 보러 가기)


한국학생 기준으로는 랭킹이 높아야 오히려 눈높이 적당 합니다. 

한국에서도 영어 실력이 어느정도 된다면  최소한 랭킹 100위 이내 학교로 선택을 하시기 바랍니다. 


 한국은 교과서 중심으로 커리큘럼이 정해져 있지만 캐나다 공립은 학생들의 수준에 맞추어 수업이 교사 재량으로 진행되요.

그래서 공립 경우도 랭킹이 낮으면 그만큼 기초적인 수업으로 진행이 될것입니다. 


비용을 지불 하는 조기유학은 공립도 랭킹을 어쩔수 없이 확인 하고 지원 하고 있습니다.

하지만 이 랭킹에 또 너무 민감 할 필요는 없습니다.  공립 랭킹은 200- 400위(약 960개 학교중) 사이는 그닥 학생 학력 차이가 심하지 않습니다. 


무상교육이 아닌 경우 원하는 지역에 유학생을 받는 사립학교를 일단 지원 하고 정 원하는 학교들에 자리가 없을 경우에 공립상위권으로 지원을 하게 됩니다.


** 세컨더리 랭킹은 2018-19년도 것 이후에 업데이트가 안되고 있습니다. 


광역밴쿠버 교육청별 위치 지도.jpg

West Vancouver 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Ecole Cedardale 10 1/932
Westcot Elementary 10 1/932
Collingwood School 9.8 24/932
Mulgrave School 9.5 29/932
Caulfeild Elementary 9.4 30/932
Ecole Pauline Johnson Elementary 9.1 43/932
St Anthony's 9.1 43/932
Gleneagles Elementary 8.9 56/932
Irwin Park Elementary 8.8 61/932
Ridgeview Elementary 8.8 61/932
Chartwell Elementary 8.6 77/932
West Bay Elementary 8.6 77/932
Hollyburn Elementary 7 234/932
North Vancouver 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
St Pius X Elementary School 9.9 19/932
Vancouver Waldorf School 9.1 43/932
Brockton Preparatory School 8.8 61/932
Lions Gate Christian Academy 8.6 77/932
Carisbrooke Elementary 8.5 84/932
Highlands Elementary 8.4 88/932
Cousteau L'Ecole Francaise Interna'le 8.3 97/932
Holy Trinity School 8.3 97/932
St Edmund's 8.3 97/932
Upper Lynn Elementary 8.3 97/932
Braemar Elementary 7.9 126/932
Canyon Heights Elementary 7.9 126/932
Capilano Elementary 7.7 144/932
Cove Cliff Elementary 7.6 153/932
Lynn Valley Elementary 7.5 162/932
Dorothy Lynas Elementary 7 234/932
Queensbury Elementary 6.9 254/932
Blueridge Elementary 6.8 279/932
Eastview Elementary 6.7 299/932
Ridgeway Elementary 6.6 325/932
Boundary Elementary 6.5 345/932
Brooksbank Elementary 6.5 345/932
Cleveland Elementary 6.5 345/932
Montroyal Elementary 6.5 345/932
Lynnmour Elementary School 6.4 366/932
Ross Road Elementary 6.4 366/932
Westview Elementary 6.4 366/932
Larson Elementary 6.3 386/932
Sherwood Park Elementary 6.2 412/932
Andre-Piolat 6.1 430/932
Seymour Heights Elementary 6.1 430/932
Queen Mary Community Elementary 4.8 698/932
Kenneth Gordon 4.3 779/932
Norgate Community Elementary 3.6 850/932
Vancouver 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Corpus Christi School 10 1/932
Crofton House 10 1/932
St George's School 10 1/932
St Jude's 10 1/932
Vancouver College 10 1/932
West Point Grey Academy 10 1/932
York House School 10 1/932
Madrona School 9.9 19/932
Vancouver Christian 9.9 19/932
Our Lady of Sorrows 9.8 24/932
St Francis Xavier 9.7 27/932
St Anthony of Padua 9.6 28/932
St Mary's 9.4 30/932
St Augustine's 9.3 35/932
Stratford Hall 9.3 35/932
Immaculate Conception School 9 52/932
St John's School 8.9 56/932
Dr Annie B Jamieson Elementary 8.8 61/932
Blessed Sacrament School 8.6 77/932
St Francis of Assisi 8.6 77/932
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 8.5 84/932
St Patrick's Elementary 8.4 88/932
Edith Cavell Elementary 8.3 97/932
Dr R E McKechnie Elementary 8.2 106/932
Rose-des-vents 8.1 111/932
St Andrew's 8 118/932
Vancouver Talmud Torah Elementary 8 118/932
John Norquay Elementary 7.8 135/932
St Joseph's 7.8 135/932
Ecole Jules Quesnel Elementary 7.7 144/932
Kerrisdale Elementary 7.7 144/932
Sir John Franklin Community 7.7 144/932
David Livingstone Elementary 7.6 153/932
Emily Carr Elementary 7.6 153/932
Lord Tennyson Elementary 7.6 153/932
Norma Rose Point Elementary Junior 7.6 153/932
Maple Grove Elementary 7.3 186/932
Elsie Roy Elementary 7.2 202/932
Trafalgar Elementary 7.2 202/932
General Gordon Elementary 7.1 219/932
Sir Wm Van Horne Elementary 7.1 219/932
David Oppenheimer Elementary 7 234/932
Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith 7 234/932
Sir Wilfred Grenfell Community 7 234/932
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary 7 234/932
Queen Mary Elementary 6.9 254/932
Quilchena Elementary 6.9 254/932
Shaughnessy Elementary 6.9 254/932
Hastings Community Elementary 6.8 279/932
J.W. Sexsmith Community Elementary 6.8 279/932
Queen Elizabeth Elementary 6.8 279/932
Dr George M Weir Elementary 6.7 299/932
Laura Secord Elementary 6.6 325/932
General Wolfe Elementary 6.5 345/932
Lord Kitchener Elementary 6.5 345/932
Tyee Elementary 6.5 345/932
Waverley Elementary 6.5 345/932
Charles Dickens Elementary 6.4 366/932
L'ecole Bilingue Elementary 6.4 366/932
Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary 6.4 366/932
Lord Selkirk Elementary 6.1 430/932
Carnarvon Community Elementary 6 456/932
Sir William Osler Elementary 6 456/932
Southlands Elementary 5.8 491/932
Anne-Hebert 5.7 518/932
Henry Hudson Elementary 5.7 518/932
Sir Richard McBride Elementary 5.5 559/932
Lord Nelson Elementary 5.4 580/932
Crosstown Elementary 5.3 599/932
G T Cunningham Elementary 5.2 621/932
Walter Moberly Elementary 5.2 621/932
Simon Fraser Elementary 5.1 642/932
Nootka Community Elementary 4.9 680/932
Lord Roberts Elementary 4.8 698/932
Sir Sandford Fleming Elementary 4.8 698/932
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Elementary 4.7 721/932
Captain James Cook Elementary 4.6 735/932
Sir James Douglas Elementary 4.6 735/932
Langley 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
St Catherines School 9.1 43/932
Credo Christian Schools 8.7 72/932
Alex Hope Elementary 8.4 88/932
Langley Fine Arts School 7.4 174/932
Gordon Greenwood Elementary 7.3 186/932
Topham Elementary 7.3 186/932
Langley Fundamental Elementary 6.9 254/932
Willoughby Elementary 6.9 254/932
Khalsa School of the Fraser Valley 6.8 279/932
James Kennedy Elementary 6.7 299/932
Lynn Fripps Elementary 6.7 299/932
Langley Christian 6.6 325/932
Belmont Elementary 6.5 345/932
Richard Bulpitt Elementary 6.5 345/932
West Langley Elementary 6.4 366/932
R C Garnett Demonstration Elementary 6.1 430/932
Langley Meadows Elementary 6 456/932
Noel Booth Elementary 5.8 491/932
James Hill Elementary 5.7 518/932
Dorothy Peacock Elementary 5.5 559/932
Uplands Elementary 5.3 599/932
Blacklock Fine Arts Elementary 5.2 621/932
Simonds Elementary 5.1 642/932
Douglas Park Community 4.8 698/932
Glenwood Elementary 4.8 698/932
Alice Brown Elementary 4.7 721/932
Nicomekl Elementary 4.4 769/932
Peterson Road Elementary 4.3 779/932
Fort Langley Elementary 4 811/932
Wix-Brown Elementary 3.6 850/932
Surrey 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Cornerstone Montessori School 10 1/932
Fraser Valley School 10 1/932
Khalsa School Old Yale Road 10 1/932
Southridge School 10 1/932
Diamond School 9.9 19/932
Khalsa School Newton 9.4 30/932
G.A.D. Elementary School 9.1 43/932
Iqra School 9.1 43/932
Cloverdale Catholic School 8.9 56/932
St Bernadette 8.8 61/932
Star of the Sea 8.8 61/932
Bayridge Elementary 8.7 72/932
White Rock Christian Academy 8.6 77/932
Regent Christian Academy 8.4 88/932
Our Lady of Good Counsel 8.2 106/932
Pacific Academy 8.1 111/932
Rosemary Heights Elementary 8.1 111/932
Sikh Academy 8.1 111/932
Berkshire Park Elementary 8 118/932
Walnut Road Elementary 8 118/932
Surrey Christian 7.5 162/932
Morgan Elementary 7.4 174/932
Laronde Elementary 7.3 186/932
McLeod Road Traditional 7.3 186/932
Surrey Muslim School 7.3 186/932
Chantrell Creek Elementary 7.2 202/932
Edgewood Elementary 7.2 202/932
Erma Stephenson Elementary 7.2 202/932
Fraser Wood Elementary 7.2 202/932
St Matthew's Elementary 7.2 202/932
Semiahmoo Trail Elementary 7.1 219/932
Dogwood Elementary 6.7 299/932
Maddaugh Road Elementary 6.7 299/932
Sunnyside Elementary 6.7 299/932
Coast Meridian Elementary 6.5 345/932
Frost Road Elementary 6.5 345/932
Pacific Heights Elementary 6.5 345/932
Crescent Park Elementary 6.4 366/932
Gobind Sarvar School 6.4 366/932
A J McLellan Elementary 6 456/932
Boundary Park Elementary 6 456/932
Hillcrest Elementary 6 456/932
Mountainview Montessori 6 456/932
Cambridge Elementary 5.9 475/932
Ray Shepherd Elementary 5.9 475/932
Harold Bishop Elementary 5.8 491/932
Ocean Cliff Elementary 5.8 491/932
Bothwell Elementary School 5.7 518/932
Brookside Elementary 5.7 518/932
South Meridian Elementary 5.7 518/932
Hazelgrove Elementary 5.6 538/932
Cindrich Elementary 5.5 559/932
Coyote Creek Elementary 5.2 621/932
Westerman Elementary 5.1 642/932
Adams Road Elementary 5 660/932
Goldstone Park Elementary 5 660/932
Green Timbers Elementary 5 660/932
Katzie Elementary 5 660/932
Bonaccord Elementary 4.9 680/932
H T Thrift Elementary 4.9 680/932
Sullivan Elementary 4.9 680/932
T E Scott Elementary 4.9 680/932
North Ridge Elementary 4.8 698/932
George Greenaway Elementary 4.6 735/932
Serpentine Heights Elementary 4.6 735/932
Sunrise Ridge Elementary 4.6 735/932
A H P Matthew Elementary 4.5 759/932
William Watson Elementary 4.5 759/932
Cedar Hills Elementary 4.4 769/932
Jessie Lee Elementary 4.4 769/932
Ecole Riverdale Elementary 4.2 791/932
Douglas Elementary 4 811/932
K B Woodward Elementary 4 811/932
Kennedy Trail Elementary 4 811/932
Strawberry Hill Elementary 4 811/932
Chimney Hill Elementary 3.9 823/932
Beaver Creek Elementary 3.8 834/932
Cloverdale Traditional 3.7 844/932
Martha Currie Elementary 3.6 850/932
W E Kinvig Elementary 3.6 850/932
Cougar Creek Elementary 3.2 874/932
Woodland Park Elementary 3.2 874/932
Newton Elementary 3.1 879/932
Hjorth Road Elementary 2.7 896/932
Woodward Hill Elementary 2.7 896/932
Creekside Elementary 2.6 902/932
Bear Creek Elementary 2.4 908/932
Betty Huff Elementary 2.4 908/932
Gabrielle-Roy 2.4 908/932
Lena Shaw Elementary 2.3 911/932
Maple Green Elementary 1.8 919/932
Mary Jane Shannon Elementary 1 925/932
M B Sanford Elementary 0.8 927/932
Delta 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Southpointe Academy 10 1/932
Delta Christian School 8.7 72/932
Sacred Heart 8.6 77/932
Immaculate Conception School 8 118/932
Cougar Canyon Elementary 6.7 299/932
Heath Traditional Elementary 6.6 325/932
Pinewood Elementary 6.6 325/932
South Park Elementary 6.4 366/932
Sunshine Hills Elementary 6.3 386/932
Beach Grove Elementary 6.1 430/932
Devon Gardens Elementary 6.1 430/932
Jarvis Traditional Elementary 6.1 430/932
Holly Elementary 6 456/932
Ladner Elementary 6 456/932
Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary 5.6 538/932
Chalmers Elementary 5.3 599/932
Gray Elementary 5.3 599/932
Cliff Drive Elementary 5.2 621/932
Hawthorne Elementary 5.1 642/932
Hellings Elementary 5.1 642/932
Richardson Elementary 4.6 735/932
Annieville Elementary 4.3 779/932
Gibson Elementary 4 811/932
McCloskey Elementary 4 811/932
Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Our Lady of Fatima 9.4 30/932
Our Lady of the Assumption 9.3 35/932
British Columbia Christian Academy 8.7 72/932
Queen of All Saints Elementary 8.4 88/932
R C Macdonald Elementary 7.7 144/932
Riverview Park Elementary 7.6 153/932
Traditional Learning Academy 7.4 174/932
Castle Park Elementary 7.3 186/932
Lord Baden-Powell Elementary 7.2 202/932
Baker Drive Elementary 6.8 279/932
Ecole Irvine Elementary 6.7 299/932
Hampton Park Elementary 6.7 299/932
Pinetree Way Elementary 6.7 299/932
des Pionniers-de-Maillardville 6.7 299/932
Ecole Nestor Elementary 6.6 325/932
Ecole Panorama Heights Elementary 6.6 325/932
Harbour View Elementary 6.6 325/932
Walton Elementary 6.6 325/932
Blakeburn Elementary 6.3 386/932
Leigh Elementary 6.3 386/932
Bramblewood Elementary 6.2 412/932
Ecole Coquitlam River Elementary 6.1 430/932
Ecole Porter Street Elementary 6.1 430/932
Smiling Creek Elementary 5.9 475/932
Miller Park Community School 5.8 491/932
Mundy Road Elementary 5.8 491/932
Ranch Park Elementary 5.7 518/932
Alderson Elementary 5.6 538/932
Eagle Ridge Elementary 5.6 538/932
Ecole Mary Hill Elementary 5.5 559/932
Parkland Elementary 5.5 559/932
Cape Horn Elementary 5.4 580/932
Ecole Glen Elementary 5.4 580/932
Ecole Rochester Elementary 5.2 621/932
Hazel Trembath Elementary 5.2 621/932
James Park Elementary 5.1 642/932
Central Elementary 4.6 735/932
Birchland Elementary 4.5 759/932
Roy Stibbs Elementary 4.5 759/932
Cedar Drive Elementary 4.3 779/932
Ecole Kilmer Elementary 4.1 807/932
Meadowbrook Elementary 4.1 807/932
Port Moody 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Heritage Mountain Elementary 7.8 135/932
Aspenwood Elementary 7.4 174/932
Moody Elementary 6.3 386/932
Ecole Glenayre Elementary 6.1 430/932
Mountain Meadows Elementary 4.6 735/932
Seaview Community School 4.6 735/932
Burnaby 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Holy Cross Elementary School 10 1/932
Our Lady of Mercy 10 1/932
St Michaels 10 1/932
St Helen's 9.4 30/932
St Francis de Sales 9.3 35/932
Deer Lake SDA School 9 52/932
John Knox Christian - Elementary Campus 8.8 61/932
University Highlands Elementary 8 118/932
Buckingham Elementary 7.9 126/932
Parkcrest Elementary 7.8 135/932
Ecole Seaforth Elementary 7.5 162/932
Ecole Marlborough Elementary 7.4 174/932
Suncrest Elementary 7.4 174/932
Brentwood Park Elementary 7.3 186/932
Clinton Elementary 7.3 186/932
Lakeview Elementary 7.2 202/932
Chaffey-Burke Elementary 6.9 254/932
Forest Grove Elementary 6.9 254/932
Lochdale Community Elementary 6.9 254/932
Brantford Elementary 6.8 279/932
Gilpin Elementary 6.8 279/932
Westridge Elementary 6.8 279/932
Gilmore Community Elementary 6.7 299/932
Nelson Elementary 6.7 299/932
Taylor Park Elementary 6.7 299/932
Aubrey Elementary 6.6 325/932
Sperling Elementary 6.5 345/932
Cascade Heights Elementary 6.4 366/932
Ecole Inman Elementary 6.4 366/932
Capitol Hill Elementary 6.3 386/932
Maywood Community Elementary 6.2 412/932
Montecito Elementary 5.8 491/932
Second Street Community Elementary 5.7 518/932
Cameron Elementary 5.6 538/932
Armstrong Elementary 5.5 559/932
Kitchener Elementary 4.9 680/932
Morley Elementary 3.9 823/932
Abbotsford 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Abbotsford Christian School 7.9 126/932
Dasmesh Punjabi School 7.9 126/932
Mennonite Educational Institute 7.6 153/932
Mt Lehman Elementary 7.4 174/932
St James 7.3 186/932
Cornerstone Christian School 7.2 202/932
Auguston Traditional Elementary 7.1 219/932
Sandy Hill Elementary 7 234/932
Prince Charles Elementary 6.7 299/932
King Traditional Elementary 6.3 386/932
McMillan Elementary 6.1 430/932
Dr Thomas A Swift Elementary 5.8 491/932
Mountain Elementary 5.8 491/932
South Poplar Traditional Elementary 5.8 491/932
Dave Kandal Elementary 5.6 538/932
John Maclure Community School 5.6 538/932
Matsqui Elementary 5.6 538/932
Bradner Elementary 5.5 559/932
Blue Jay Elementary 5 660/932
Centennial Park Elementary 5 660/932
Dr Roberta Bondar Elementary 5 660/932
Harry Sayers Elementary 5 660/932
Clearbrook Elementary 4.9 680/932
Alexander Elementary 4.6 735/932
Jackson Elementary 4.6 735/932
Margaret Stenersen Elementary 4.6 735/932
Aberdeen Elementary 4.2 791/932
Godson Elementary 3.8 834/932
Ross Elementary 3.8 834/932
Terry Fox Elementary 3.8 834/932
Dormick Park Elementary 3.7 844/932
ASIA - North Poplar 3.6 850/932
Ten Broeck Elementary 3.5 859/932
Upper Sumas Elementary 2.9 885/932
Richmond 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Richmond Christian School 9.2 41/932
St Joseph the Worker 9 52/932
Archibald Blair Elementary 8.8 61/932
Cornerstone Christian Academy 8.8 61/932
James McKinney Elementary 8.7 72/932
St Paul School 8.5 84/932
Maple Lane Elementary 8.3 97/932
Spul'u'kwuks Elementary 8.3 97/932
John T Errington Elementary 8.2 106/932
Jessie Wowk Elementary 8.1 111/932
Az-Zahraa Islamic Academy 8 118/932
Donald E McKay Elementary 7.9 126/932
John G Diefenbaker Elementary 7.9 126/932
W D Ferris Elementary 7.9 126/932
Manoah Steves Elementary 7.8 135/932
Garden City Elementary 7.6 153/932
Quilchena Elementary 7.6 153/932
James Whiteside Elementary 7.5 162/932
Robert J Tait Elementary 7.4 174/932
James Thompson Elementary 7.3 186/932
Blundell Elementary 7.1 219/932
General Currie Elementary 7.1 219/932
Tomekichi Homma Elementary 7.1 219/932
Henry Anderson Elementary 7 234/932
Samuel Brighouse Elementary 7 234/932
Tomsett Elementary 7 234/932
Howard De Beck Elementary 6.9 254/932
James Gilmore Elementary 6.9 254/932
Alfred B Dixon Elementary 6.8 279/932
BC Muslim School 6.8 279/932
Kathleen McNeely Elementary 6.8 279/932
R. C. Talmey Elementary 6.8 279/932
Lord Byng Elementary 6.7 299/932
William Bridge Elementary 6.7 299/932
Thomas Kidd Elementary 6.6 325/932
Hamilton Elementary 6.3 386/932
Westwind Elementary 6 456/932
Daniel Woodward Elementary 5.8 491/932
Mitchell Elementary 5.8 491/932
R M Grauer Elementary 5.8 491/932
Walter Lee Elementary 5.8 491/932
William Cook Elementary 5.6 538/932
Kingswood Elementary 5.3 599/932
New Westminster 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Urban Academy Junior 8.9 56/932
Herbert Spencer Elementary 7.2 202/932
Ecole Qayqayt Elementary 7 234/932
Skwo:wech 6.9 254/932
Connaught Heights Elementary 6.3 386/932
Queen Elizabeth Elementary 6.2 412/932
Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary 6.1 430/932
Lord Kelvin Elementary 5.8 491/932
Chilliwack 소개 바로 가기
School Name    Score  Rank
Timothy Christian School 9.2 41/932
St Mary's 8.2 106/932
Mount Cheam Christian School 7.4 174/932
Greendale Elementary 7.2 202/932
Highroad Academy 6.9 254/932
Yarrow Community School 6.4 366/932
Cheam Elementary 6.2 412/932
Unsworth Elementary 6.1 430/932
Sardis Elementary 5.9 475/932
Promontory Heights Community Elementary 5.8 491/932
Vedder Elementary 5.7 518/932
East Chilliwack Elementary 5.6 538/932
Tyson Elementary 5.6 538/932
Evans Elementary 5.4 580/932
Little Mountain Elementary 5.4 580/932
Robertson Elementary 5.2 621/932
Strathcona Elementary 5.2 621/932
Watson Elementary 5 660/932
Cascade Christian School 4.9 680/932
Leary Integrated Arts & Technology 4.8 698/932
Bernard Elementary 4.7 721/932
McCammon Elementary 3.8 834/932
Chilliwack Central Elementary Community 3.3 870/932


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