St. Mary's School(k-7)-칠리왁 천주교 사립 > 사립학교

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뒤로가기 사립학교

한인소수,신도시,렌트비저렴,캐네디언커뮤니티 Chilliwack St. Mary's School(k-7)-칠리왁 천주교 사립

페이지 정보

작성자 IGE 작성일 24-02-29 12:20 조회 103,085 댓글 0


● 칠리왁 남쪽은 새롭게 개발된 타운으로 유학맘이 지내기 좋은 환경.

● 다양한 액티비티와 클럽들

● 영어가 모국어인 주민, 학생 비율이 밴쿠버 중심지 대비 2배이상 높습니다.

● 1948년에 개교한 천주교 사립학교


주소:  8909 Mary Street Chilliwack BC 


학교 홈페이지 :  


학교 인스타그램: 





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▶ Garison Crossing 뉴타운






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The focus of Applied Design, Skills, and Technology Class is to provide students with weekly activities which will promote their curiosity, wonder, creativity, and life skills. Students will learn and develop skills in areas such as cooking/foods, sewing, building/creating, as well as a variety of outdoor activities.


Learning Assistance

We provide high quality learning support services which may include:

  • - Numeracy

  • - Literacy

  • - Speech and Language services

  • - Psychological Education Assessments

  • - Occupational therapy

  • - Physical therapy

  • - Other programs as required to meet IEP goals

- With a focus on SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bounded) goals and consistent intervention, our students are empowered to achieve their full potential.




- Knights of Reading (Grades K- 3, October - May): Home reading program.

- Reading Link Challenge (Grades 4-5, March - April)

- UBC Science Challenge (Grades 6-7, February - May): Competition at UBC in May.

- Robotics Club


- Christmas Musical (All grades, tryouts late September): Monday - Thursday rehearsals at 7:30am, cast roles open to intermediate grades. See this year’s musical here!
Choir (Grades 2-7, September - June): Singing at school masses and special occasions, practice once per week at lunch.



- Track and Field (Grades 2-7, April - June, tryouts in March): Twice per week. after school.

- Soccer (Grades 4-6, Fall): Boys and girls teams. Practices at lunch, one game per week, after school.

- Cross Country (Grades 2-6, September-October): 1-2 practices per week at lunch, 3 meets per season.

- Volleyball (Grades 4-6, November - January): Boys and girls teams, practices at lunch.

- Basketball (Grades 4-6, February - April): Boys and Girls teams, practices before school and at lunch.

- Karate (Grades 1-7, Fall and Winter to be confirmed): Practice Wednesday after school, registration required.



- Altar Server Club (All grades, September - June): Once per week at lunch.


- Games Club (Grades 4-7, September - June): Once per week at lunch.extracurricular-activities.jpg

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Highlights & Opportunities

Here's a small sneak peak of what we do in grade 4:

  • The Art of Words” at the Chilliwack Museum

  • Novel Studies: The Tale of Despereaux, Holes

  • Attending CSOPA’s latest dramatic presentation

  • Salmonid in the Class- room (Raising and releas- ing Coho salmon, salmon dissection)

  • STEM challenges based on novel studies

  • IXL

  • Holy Thursday Retreat

  • Acts of Service (Altar serving, choir, reading for masses, etc)

    And so much more!!

  • Our Class - Routines in the Grade 4 Classroom


  • Students are to enter through our class- room door in the morning. If a student is late, s/he is to enter the school through the main doors and sign in at the office before coming to the classroom.

  • If a student is absent, a note, handwritten or electronic, must be submitted to the office.


  • Students are required to use a planner everyday. If a student does not have any homework, s/he is to write “No Home- work” down for the day.

  • Parents/Guardians are to sign planners each day.


  • The classroom uses a 1,2,3 Discipline Method as per the School Handbook.

  • Students who receive a consequence will write a discipline essay. This essay is to be signed by the parent/guardian.


  • Homework will consist of work that was not completed in class.

  • Homework must be completed on time in order to fully benefit from the next day’s lesson.

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회사명 : 회사명 / 대표 : 대표자명
주소 : OO도 OO시 OO구 OO동 123-45
사업자 등록번호 : 123-45-67890
전화 : 02-123-4567 팩스 : 02-123-4568
통신판매업신고번호 : 제 OO구 - 123호
개인정보관리책임자 : 정보책임자명

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