BC주 Chilliwack 칠리왁 (Chilliwack) 교육청
페이지 정보
- 칠리왁 (Chilliwack) 교육청
광역밴쿠버 동쪽 끝에 위치
뛰어난 학업 성취 -상위권 세컨더리 랭킹
사디스(sadis) / 개리슨크로싱(garrison crossing) 동네는 최근에 개발된 뉴타운
소수의 한국 학생 비율
CAD 300
CAD 16,500
CAD 1,050 / Month
홈페이지 : https://isp.sd33.bc.ca/
주소 : 8430 Cessna Drive Chilliwack, BC, V2P 7K4, Canada.
학비 : $16,500/년
한학기 학비: $8,750/per Semester
입학신청비(환불불가) : $300
의료보험 : 학비에 포함
홈스테이 배정비: $450
홈스테이 비용: $1,050/월
▶ 칠리왁 지역
▶98% 이상의 학생이 순수 영어 사용 학생으로 구성됨
1. Chiliwack Secondary School : 학생수 1,550명 / 다양한 AP 과정 제공 / 2014년 새로운 건물 완공
- Long list of alumni going on to national and international fame and prominence.
- Wide variety of AP courses offered in which students can get credit for their first year University courses.
- A tremendous Music Program that offers not only your standard Concert and Jazz Bands, but also such unique musical entities as a Vocal Jazz, Dixieland Jazz, and Guitar, as well as Composition and Production options.
- Strong Computer Sciences Program offers Computer Programming, Media Design, Web Development, and AP Computer Studies.
2. Sardis Secondary School : 학생수 약 1,500명
- A long-standing tradition of academic excellence with AP courses in Math and the Sciences. - Strong Automotive program where students can learn the fundamentals to maintain and repair their vehicles. - A superb Music Program that has Strings classes and that, among many other things, puts on a Broadway style musical every year. - The Sardis Drumline performed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler and for the Vancouver Canucks home games in 2021/22. 3. G.W. Graham Secondary School : 학생수 약 1,500명 / 2022년 새로운 확장 - Robust AP program which offers an AP Capstone Diploma in addition to many AP class options. - Superb Music Program that has won numerous awards, including competitions in the United States. - Renown Athletics Program which was awarded the 2021-22 BC School Sports Outstanding School Award. - Houses a state-of-the-art 350 seat theatre for a variety of performances and the yearly Chilliwack Student Film Festival. - Innovative programing which fosters student growth in their area of passion.
4. Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology Secondary School: 학생수 약 400명 / 2021년 설립
- Provides unique opportunities for students with an interest in arts, technology and integrated hands-on learning. - Boasts multiple studio spaces for Music, Dance, and Art as well as a modern theatre with high-end technology. - Innovative approach to teaching & learning that reflects current research in education.
- Brand new gymnasium and a Professional Culinary Arts teaching kitchen.
▶ 추천 초등학교
Sardis 지역
- Sardis Elementary School 주소: 45775 Manuel Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 2E6 캐나다 홈페이지: https://sardis.sd33.bc.ca/
- Evans Elementary 주소: 7600 Evans Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1L2 캐나다 홈페이지: https://evans.sd33.bc.ca/
- Tyson Elementary 주소: 45170 S Sumas Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1W9 캐나다 홈페이지: https://tyson.sd33.bc.ca/
- Vedder Middle School 주소: 45560 S Sumas Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1S3 캐나다 홈페이지: https://vms.sd33.bc.ca/
- Mount Slesse Middle School 주소: 5871 Tyson Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 3R6 캐나다 홈페이지: https://sd33.bc.ca/mount-slesse-middle-school
- Watson Elementary 주소: 45305 Watson Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 2H5 캐나다 홈페이지 https://watson.sd33.bc.ca/
▶ Garison Crossing 뉴타운 지역
- Mount Slesse Middle School 주소: 5871 Tyson Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 3R6 캐나다 홈페이지: https://sd33.bc.ca/mount-slesse-middle-school
- Vedder Elementary School 주소: 45850 Promontory Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5Z5 캐나다 홈페이지: https://vedder.sd33.bc.ca/home
- Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt Elementary / Middle School 주소: 5337 Tyson Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 0P1 캐나다 홈페이지: https://stitos.sd33.bc.ca/
- Watson Elementary 주소: 45305 Watson Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2R 2H5 캐나다 홈페이지: https://watson.sd33.bc.ca/
▶교육청내 학교 위치 지도
▶ Garison Crossing 뉴타운
칠리왁교육청 학비와 환불규정 ISP Tuitions, Fees, and Refund Policy.pdf
225회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-02-07 15:25:12 -
Chilliwack School Calendar 2024-25.pdf
373회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-02-07 15:26:58 -
Chilliwack ISP Trifold Brochure.pdf
310회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-02-07 15:26:58
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